Prices vary greatly depending on condition, brand and style. There are many factors to consider to determine what to ask for your items: condition, original price, brand name of item and if it has original tags. DID YOU KNOW??? Most consignors make the biggest chunk of their check in toys, books, games, dolls, sports gear and similar items!
Generally, items sell for around 1/3 to 1/4 of original price, depending on condition. High demand equipment and toys typically sell for more and clothing for less.
Remember, these are USED items. Ask yourself, “Would I pay this?” or “Would I buy this again?”.
We often receive multiples of the same items… therefore yours must be priced competitively with the items they are next to on the racks! Newborn to size 4T has a bigger supply than other sizes.
On the final day of the sale, if your item hasn’t sold at full price, you have the opportunity to mark it to half price. We highly recommend you do so! Select which items you’d like to offer at half price when using our tagging program. Items you do not wish to offer at half price will remain at full price the entire time.